As an Investigative Producer at CBS2 in Chicago, Simone spent a lot of time reviewing legal documents, case files, and analyzing databases — often looking for a missing connection to help make sense of it all. Taking a complicated subject matter, identifying key findings of an investigation, and communicating it all in a short story for a general television audience is a skill set she continues to use today.
She worked exclusively with Pulitzer prize winning reporter Pam Zekman on stories that exposed dangerous doctors, questionable builders, taxi drivers with terrible driving records, homicide investigations by the Chicago Police Department, state and local government workers who were wasting taxpayer dollars, and more. Regardless of the topic, the goal was always the same: Right a wrong.
Today, Simone spends most of her time on strategic communications, but continues to be available to private investigators and law firms to assist with case reviews. While the clients for these services are confidential, here’s a flashback to some of her investigations at CBS2.
For additional highlights and series from her time at CBS2, check out the Thiessen & Co. YouTube Channel
Hiding Homicides?
This Investigation started with a tip that the Chicago Police Department was misclassifying homicides to keep the murder rate down. We reviewed police files, autopsy records from the medical examiner’s office, and reached out to family members to see if it was true. This series won a Chicago/Midwest Emmy Award for Best Investigative Series in a Newscast.
Original Airdate: November 2006
Dangerous Doctors?
This series started about a doctor who made repeated surgical mistakes, and performed dangerous procedures in his office. As a result of our stories the doctor’s license was suspended and we helped introduce legislation to protect patients. But it also uncovered a much bigger story - that the state regulatory department didn’t have the capacity to investigate and discipline dangerous doctors.
Original Airdate: November 2005, 2006
This investigation identified allegations of negligence in the deaths of several children and falsification of nurses’ notes at a Chicago Pediatric Residential Program. The multi-part series included legal research, reviewing years of state inspection reports, consulting with medical experts, and locating former employees. Simone also went undercover as a volunteer at the facility to witness the neglect first-hand, and wore a hidden camera to document it. Our story prompted a state investigation.
Story originally aired May 2001.
After a viewer tip, we caught Illinois Department of Transportation road crews dancing in the street and sleeping on the job. The Investigation prompted public comment from the Governor, and several employee suspensions. This investigation was recognized with an Emmy Award for Best Investigative Report in a News Program, by the Chicago Midwest Chapter.
Original Airdate: August 2004